** The 2024 Chipping Events will be on June 10 and September 2, 2024.
Please note there will be TWO events.
The 2024 Link for the chipping program:
Here is the link to the CSFD Home Page: https://www.coswildfireready.org/
Here is the link to the CSFD Chipping Page: https://www.coswildfireready.org/neighborhood-chipping-program
Here is the direct link to the Chipping Sign-Up Page: https://www.coswildfireready.org/sign-up-for-chipping#RKBcoZ
A couple of notes for this year:
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Jessica McIntire
Wildfire Mitigation Program Coordinator
Colorado Springs Fire Department
375 Printers Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Office: 719.385.7493 / Fax: 719.385.7334
Please note: this chipping event is coordinated through the Fire Department, and they will do their best to support our request. However, it is a CSFD-sponsored event based on chipper and CSFD personnel availability. The UP HOA cannot guarantee the date.
Congratulations! The HOA has been recognized each year since 2014 as a Firewise Communities USA by the National Fire Protection Association. Every community benefits in different ways from being recognized as a Firewise Communities/USA site. Some insurance companies may grant a discount on the cost of their premiums to University Park homeowners if presented with a current Firewise Community renewal certificate (please view the PDF below).
Please click on and review the YouTube video link below to get an idea of what a Wildfire Risk Assessment of your property can provide you. Then also click on the other links that will provide you with wildfire mitigation reporting guidelines and acceptable work, time, and costs.
Video: https://youtu.be/pfbEcMeYFFA
Report Submission Guidelines: https://universityparkpoints.com/WildFire/FIREWISE_COMMUNITY_WILDFIRE_MITIGATION_EFFORT_DATA_SUBMISSION_2023.pdf
Time & Expense Examples: https://universityparkpoints.com/WildFire/Firewise_Time_Expense_Investment_Examples.pdf
To view historical Wildfire Mitigation videos of early mitigation activities in our community, click on the following links:
University Park WM Committee members:
Lloyd Nordhausen-Chair LloydUPHOA@gmail.com
Yolanda Mason - Co-Chair youdew@aol.com
Russell Butts russelll_1029@msn.com
Todd James jenniejames109@msn.com
Darrell Roger suedarrellr@aol.com
Cathy Scharff cmscharff@gmail.com
Randy Geoghan regeoghan@hotmail.com
The UP HOA WMC works closely with the City of Colorado Springs to plan and conduct community wildfire mitigation projects. The CSFD offers the following information:
The Wildfire Mitigation section is part of the Division of the Fire Marshal. Ashley Whitworth is the Wildfire Mitigation Program Administrator, and Melissa Hoffman is the Wildfire Mitigation Program Coordinator. Together, they work with homeowners, neighborhood associations, contractors, and other organizations to reduce the wildfire risk within the city’s wildland-urban interface (WUI).
Maintaining your Wildfire Mitigation Landscaping - the area around your home needs periodic maintenance similar to the inside of your home. Follow these tips to make your home FireWiseAnnual Checklist - Remove dead, dying, or diseased trees and shrubs - Trim low branches of evergreen trees - Remove highly flammable vegetation from window area - Remove trash and debris accumulations from the area around your home - Remove overhanging branches from the roof and chimney - Mow grass and weeds to a low height - Attach a hose that can reach to all parts of the house - Post house numbers that are visible from all directions of travel - Discuss evacuation routes and meeting points so they are understood by all family members - Check that chimney screens are in place and in good condition.
See Homeowners_Guide_to_Wildfire_Mitigation.pdf below for further guidance.
Homeowners of University Park work together to make a safer neighborhood through fire mitigation.
Mission Statement
On behalf of the University Park Homeowners Association and residents, the Wildfire Mitigation Committee (WMC) will act as an information and coordination conduit between our community and the Colorado Springs Fire Department (CSFD) and other pertinent stakeholders deemed necessary by the committee:
The UP HOA WMC is Chartered: